Working on a new Design
Hello my dear friends,
Thought to share a bit of my current work with you. Maybe you have seen the post on instagram : my music project is 5 years old. A lot changed in these years and during the past months I finally got a very clear vision how my musical future will look alike.
For instance, I developed a strong aversion against Spotify, his unbelievably Despicable CEO and their business model. I decided that I don’t want to support these platforms any longer in the way I did in the past. I will focus on Bandcamp and music distribution on my website and most importantly, I will put my live shows In the center of my work.
Then there is also my work for contemporary art projects, which is an important part but not really visible on my website. I was thinking to open a second page and split this part from 59 Perlen, but it doubles up workload and it also feels unnatural because it’s a part of my entire music creation process.
These and other aspects led me to a point where I think it’s time for a complete visual new direction and I started to developing a new logo, a new website appearance and a new visual identity for 59 Perlen. Coming from the graphic design professionals, this is a pleasant work but takes a long time; especially the website grew massively and will need lots of adjustments.
I will pull out some little releases soon with artworks that will talk this new language. I can’t wait how people react on it and today I want to share some mood boards that I developed with ChatGPT (yes it’s a great tool to create ideas).
Let me know what you think and have a lovely day xxx
Very nice. #1, 2, and 5 are my favorites.