59 Perlen

May 15, 2021

"Glacier", a Digitakt Chillout Track dedicated to the Swiss Alps

"Glacier" is a Digitakt performed Chillout track that's dedicated to the Aletsch Glacier in Switzerland and the Swiss Alps in general - places where I feel home and where I spent most of the holidays when I was little. I went up this spectacular place some time ago - the scenes where so breathtaking that you can see them now in the background of this video and on some pictures below.

I also created a litte landing page where you can download the track as well.

The track happened during my Digitakt Live Sessions

I started working on the pattern itself during my last Studio session and it is supposed to be a kind of "intro" track for another live set, which is why I wanted to do something slow. Nevertheless, the speed should of course fit to the following tracks of the set, which is why I simply chose half of my regular speed (112bpm).

Most of the audio tracks you hear make massive use of LFO modulations to create that typical 59 Perlen texture, which slowly but steadily provide a continuous evolving of each sound. Even the clap delay is modulated, among effect parameters, hold times and bit reductions. If you want to get some insights, I suggest you go and watch the session on my YouTube.

The fantastic arp was added at the very end of the production on the last free audiotrack. I made it with ANA2 and loaded the sample into Digitakt.

Do you like the atmosphere? Leave your thoughts in the comments!

Learn how to make your own house music with the Digitakt!

Have a look on my Digitakt Online Class! It's a video course focussed on creating tracks with the Digitakt. It covers LFOs, Arrangement, Performing, Digitakt FX and many other interesting topics!