My friend Travis aka Agent Johnny Red asked me to remix a track of his new album and here it is. "Save some space (59 Perlen Remix)" got finally released on July 31st. It's a pretty unusual remix as I never created a Drum and Bass track before. I hope you'll like my interpretation of the song!
Travis left some very sweet words on his Instagram post that I just paste here.
Well hello everyone! As July wraps up this 2020, we look to be in an interesting time for all of history!! This tracks here is called “Save Some Space” and it’s all about finding a place that you can call your own.
This track I originally released on Spotify last Fall with another track called “Lightning in a Black Hole”! But now it’s been reworked and remastered!
Matthias of @59perlen did this remix and I am so happy to share it with you!!! I first met @59perlen at the start of last year through the #netvio group and instantly found my co respect for him musically and as a beard artist!!! If you look far enough you might see a video of my dancing to his track Sirocco! What a great track That is!
Although he is far away I got to@meet him a couple times: once in his podcast last April and once pretty recently on one of my IG Live videos! You can still see in my page!
Yeah so! My release is also about all my friends like Matthias who helped support me through this first year of releasing tunes!!!! So here is to Matthias and all of you people who help keep me with a full heart and plenty of dance moves!!
And also @59perlen helped inspire me@to@join back up I. The @weareelektron club, so yeah!!!
Alright!!! Both sounds are out this Friday my friends!!! Let’s party dance style this summer!
You will find the track in the Music section.