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148 items found for "elektron"

  • Dubtechno Live Remix with Elektron Analog

    After last week's more artistic publication, I went back to work for a brandnew 1 hour Elektron Live Checkout my brand-new Samplepack with great and mesmerizing textures for Dubtechno and Electronic productions

  • Elektron Analog Four MKII Review - is this Synth for you?

    So here's my extensive review and thoughts about my latest purchase, the Elektron Analog Four MKII Analog 8 weeks ago and I can already tell you that it was a very good choice and a perfect addition to my (Elektron-ish The Elektron Analog Four MKII's intricacy is one of its possible drawbacks. Strengths and Weaknesses of the Elektron A4 The Elektron Analog Four MKII is a robust and flexible synthesizer The Elektron Analog Four MKII is an excellent choice for electronic music producers and musicians who

  • Dawless Dubtechno Jam /w Elektron Analog Four MKII

    The main reason might be a new synth that I purchased some time ago, the Elektron Analog Four MKII.

  • Dawless Hardware Jam - Housemusic with Elektron gear

    Hello my friends, I hope you’re having a great Monday so far! We’re on a day of bank holidays here in Switzerland (together with many other countries I think) so I finally had the time to record a brandnew jam. And I can tell you, I had so much fun with this one! The track is titled "Kid" and got a little cheesy, but still I love the chord progression of it a lot. My main goal was to exercise jamming with the Squarp and get more pumping tracks with my compressor. It’s actually not that style of music I normally do but here we go :) Some insights about my workflow and the machines Squarp Pyramid: the brain. Its sequencing the Peak and the Digitone, and It also controls the pattern and presets of the entire setup. I didn’t use the song mode, I switched between the few pattern manually during the jam. The chord progression is pretty long, so I wrote it in Ableton beforehand and exported it as a MIDI clip onto the SD Card of the Pyramid. I did the same with the baseline. Editing a 32 bar track can be a pain on this machine. Novation Peak plays the lead arps, sequenced by the Squarp. It’s a simple arp preset that I tweaked. Digitone is only for the bassline and Digitakt plays a little atmosphere sample. I added a bit of bit reduction and modulated it using the LFO. DT also plays that sweet title-giving voice recording. Analog Rytm: Drums, I only used the analog sound engines and no layered samples, and finally the Typhon for some simple pad inserts, I played these live here and there on the little keyboard. Audio Routing A quick word about the audio routing. I plugged the Peak outputs into the Digitone. The sum of these 2 guys goes into my Empress compression pedal where its sidechained using the Kick output of the Analog Rytm. I know, they come out mono that way, but I’m fine with it :D

  • House Jam with Elektron Analog Rytm MKII

    This is my second jam with the Elektron Analog Rytm MKII while still in the beautiful nature of the Swiss

  • Elektron Analog Rytm MKII Chillout Jam

    Of course I used the analog drum circuits of the Elektron Analog Rytm as they where one of the main reasons

  • Another Chillout Jam with the Elektron Analog Rytm

    This is the last jam that I recorded during my holidays in the Cantone of Valais in Switzerland (checkout the other ones here and here). The track creation started with a simple bassline that I modulated using the trig lock slide sequencer of the Analog Rytm. I think it's a super powerful way to get more parameters in movement than it would actually be possible with the LFO only (there is 1 per track available).

  • 3 months with Elektron Octatrack - is it worth it?

    It makes a perfect companion for the smaller Elektron boxes and offers many sound design features. All this comes at the price of poor usability and, unlike the smaller Elektron boxes, also with a much

  • Dubtechno /w Elektron Analog Four MKII, Analog Rytm MKII

    Hiking, Sun, Friends and my Elektron Analogs Boxes of course :D This is a sweet little Dubtechno Jam much, the LFO is constantly modulating some of its parameters (one of the big benefits of these bigger Elektron

  • Buying advice: Elektron Digitakt or Polyend Tracker?

    companies mentioned in this post.I bought all devices myself and I don't get any compensation from Elektron Will Polyend Tracker replace Elektron Digitakt? I made jams and tracks with it for months and I was and am really happy with the entire Elektron workflow Digitakt gives you the full Elektron workflow Beside these features, you will get the well known Elektron If you have some other Elektron gear, you will be happy about the seamless integration.

  • CHILL JAM /w Elektron Analog Four MKII and Rytm MKII

    I started working on a new project this week, a score for a new installation of dancer and artist Bernardo San Rafael. The performance is titled "MUTTER!" and takes place on June 15 and 16 in Stralsund, Germany (check my Gig calendar here). This is a composition that I created for the entrance scene, enriched with some sounds just for the YouTube version (which is also much shorter than the actual score). It's a fairly simple arrangement that makes use of lots of random plays and LFO modulation. Need help arranging your own tracks? Book a free session and we can see what I can do for you!

  • Chillhouse Jam on Elektron Digitakt

    The video of today's dawless Digitakt jam is a little different than usual! Not only is the track slower, it turned also out to be very chill-outish. It's my way to wish all of you guys "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" :) The melodic part of the track is generated by a piano sample, which permanently varies the position and the played grains by using 2 LFOs. One of the LGOs is set to realign the position of the sample start every 32 beats, the other one modulates the loop position at a different speed. The result is an ever evolving, atmospheric sound. I did all this with the loopback feature of the Digitakt - how you can use it yourself is summarized in this tutorial:


59 Perlen is a music artist based in Zurich, Switzerland. Producing electronic music is his passion since 20 years. He's producing ambient and dance music, scores for contemporary art installations and he teaches music.

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59 Perlen Analog Four MKII.jpg

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