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59 items found for "big sky"
- Ambient House on Digitakt, Model:Samples and Strymon Big Sky
It's time for Big Ambient Moods! The Big Sky reverb from Strymon is a Pedal in a class of it's own. track, I'm generating a very deep ambience texture with the Model:Samples, which is routed through the Big Sky and then into the Digitakt.
- Dawless Minimal Synthjam with Digitakt, Digitone and Big Sky Reverb
I added a Digitone which is running through the Big Sky Reverb, adding a sweet layer of ambience to the
- Dawless & Minimal Dub House Jamsession
I got a new superb addition to my dawless setup, the "Strymon Big Sky". In this setup, the Digitone sends his chords through the Big Sky and then into the Digitakt.
- First Dawless Octatrack Housejam with Digitakt, Digitone, Peak and TB-03
percussion, texture - with 1.30 software), Digitone (Arp, Pad, Bass), Peak (Lead Pad), TB-03 (Accents), Big Sky Reverb, and the Octatrack (Sequences Peak and TB-03) are playing. Digitakt, Digitone, Peak, and TB-03 are routed into my mixer, the Big Sky sits on the send channel, and
- From Bеdroom to Big Stagе: A Guidе to Dawless Livе Pеrformancеs
If you'rе an еlеctronic music еnthusiast who's itching to takе your sound from thе bеdroom to thе big Or the Strymon Big Sky - while the latter was released as a VST, the sound of the Hardware Pedal seems options coming from Behringer - the deepmind is a wonderful synths, and the Korg Volcas giving you big your sеtup, and practicing diligеntly, you can confidеntly takе your music from thе bеdroom to thе big
- Out now: "Moods (Album)" [plus Tracker files]
Sky, Squarp Pyramid 03 Dub it (8:03 min) Novation Peak, Elektron Digitakt, Elektron Digitone, Tascam Model 12, Strymon Big Sky, Squarp Pyramid 04 Dunes (5:50 min) Polyend Tracker, Dreadbox Typhon, Tascam Sky, Squarp Pyramid, Dreadbox Typhon 09 Awakening (6:27 min) Access Virus, Elektron Digitakt, Elektron Digitone, Tascam Model 12, Strymon Big Sky, Squarp Pyramid, Dreadbox Typhon I typically use the machines Sky (Fx).
- House Jam feat. Perfourmer and Analog Rytm
in this Jam Vermona Perfourmer (Synths) Notation Peak (Bass) Squarp Pyramid (Sequencing ) Strymon Big Sky (Reverb) Empress Compressor Electro Harmonix Gran Canyon (Delay)
- Sonic Playground 2024 | Contemporary Performance 'The Maze'
After we finished, our lovely host Carsten aka 'Under Red Sky' presented an excellent linup of artists Elektron Digitakt, Roland Aira S-1 and P-6, Strymon Big Sky and The Pill Pedal.
- Dawless Slow House Jam
The PerFourMer plays a super simple groove pattern on 3 synth strips, spiced up by Strymon Big Sky reverb
- New Jam with my new synth, the Vermona PerFourMer MKII
I added 3 pedals to the strips which you can’t see in the video: the main lead is pimped with the Big Sky from Strymon, the pad lead is doubled with a delay effect and there is a second instance of the
- A new dawless setup: Erica Synths LXR-02, DB-01 & Zen Delay
sequencers were convincing me with its easy setup and different pattern generators and the Bassline with its big I will also add my Strymon Big Sky pedal to complete this setup.
- Chilly Jamming with the Vermona PerFourMer MKII
This time its the Strymon Big Sky again with the Spring Reverb Machine.